Duolingo Proficiency Certificate – A substitute for IELTS/TOEFL

Duolingo English Proficiency Test – An Easy Alternative to IELTS for University Applications

Duolingo English online test is an affordable and convenient alternative to other standardized English language proficiency tests and had proved to be no different from IELTS in its efficacy and applications. As of now, more than 2000 institutions worldwide accept Duolingo certification as proof of English proficiency. The Duolingo online test lasts only an hour and can be taken anytime and from anywhere as long as you have a stable network that will not interfere with you taking the test online. Moreover, the results arrive in 48 hours after you have completed your test. So, if you are a non-native English speaker preparing to apply for admissions to universities abroad, especially the ones in China, and you are required to submit the English language proficiency certificate, you can take this $49 test and get the certification in two days instead of waiting for IELTS exam dates. Essentially, Duolingo saves you from losing your scholarship opportunities in China over the language proficiency credentials since a majority of the Chinese universities currently accept the Duolingo certifications as well apart from IELTS.
The Duolingo English Test results are very much correlated with other major tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. It is a computer adaptive test with rigorous security protocols to prevent fraud. A combination of computer vision, Artificial Intelligence, and proficient supervisors verify the examinee’s identity, and the test is automatically considered null and void if the individual accesses any external applications or plug-ins. Duolingo test results are valid for two years from the original date.
Duolingo English Test Requirements, Process, and Scores

  1. Requirements
    For you to take the test, you are required to have your passport, driver’s license, or any government ID at hand, possess a computer with a working front camera, mic, and speakers, have a stable internet connection, and be seated inside a quiet well-lit room. You must download the Duolingo English Test app on your computer before the exam. The details on how to install it are given in the FAQ section on Duolingo’s official website ( https://englishtest.duolingo.cn/ ).
  2. Process
    The 1-hour online test includes three sections:
    • A 5 minutes introduction that gives you the basic idea of the test rules, requirements, and procedures.
    • The 45 minutes Adaptive test that evaluates your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. All these genres of question types are integrated into one single section and they appear randomly. The difficulty levels of the questions differ from test to test.
    • And the final 10 minutes video interview where you will have to answer the open-ended questions. Your responses will be recorded in the system.
  3. Scores
    The Duolingo English Test documents result on a 160- band scale of 5-point increments, unlike IELTS which is on a 9-band scale. The result of the Duolingo test includes an overall score as well as the sub-scores. The overall score is not calculated as an average of the sub-scores. The overall and the sub-scores are assessed independently. The sub-scores are fundamentally estimated on your
  4. Literacy – ability to read and write
  5. Conversation – ability to listen and speak
  6. Comprehension – ability to read and listen
  7. Production – ability to write and speak
    For a detailed explanation of the scores and what they imply, check out the score interpretation provided on Duolingo official website: https://englishtest.duolingo.cn/scores The information on how the sub-scores are estimated is also given on the Duolingo blog: https://blog.duolingo.com/subscores-improving-how-we-report-duolingo-english-test-results-2/
    Duolingo also allows you to take free practice tests for better preparation. To check for more details on the practice tests, guides and to watch helpful videos you can log onto the link: https://englishtest.duolingo.cn/readiness
    Once the test is completed, it will be graded and reviewed, and a report of your results will be sent to the registered email address in 48 hours. You can either choose to send the certificate to an institution directly through the “Send Results” button on your homepage on the Duolingo English Test website or can take a screenshot of the certificate and save a copy for future use. Additionally, once the certificate is issued, you can find a secure URL on the top-left corner of your certificate and add it to your LinkedIn credentials or your CV/Resume as well.

So, if you are applying for admissions and scholarships in Chinese universities, and are doing so at a time when you cannot possibly prepare for and take the IELTS exam, take the Duolingo English Proficiency test instead. Get the certificate and fasten up your applications without any hassle.

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